Unlock Your Full Potential At Business, Social & Networking Events

Personalized event coaching and group workshops to help you get the most out of events to boost your confidence, grow sales, and develop deeper relationships

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Does Social Anxiety At Business, Social, And Networking Events Have You Saying To Yourself:

Every person, whether you are an introvert, extrovert, or somewhere in-between contributes to the success of business, social, and networking events. You have the potential to overcome social anxiety and thrive in all areas of your life.

I'm Rob, and I can help you feel confident at business, social, and networking events​

With personalized coaching and practical strategies, you’ll overcome social anxiety and thrive in any setting.

As an introvert, I know the overwhelming feeling of walking into a crowded room where you don’t know anyone. I experienced this myself 15 years ago at my first black-tie event with over 1,000 people.

Since then, I’ve attended over 2,000 business, networking, and social events and have coached hundreds of individuals and businesses. My goal is to help you increase your confidence, grow sales, and develop deeper, more authentic relationships.

I’ve done it for myself and countless others, and I can do it for you too.

Rob Giardinelli

How I Can Help

One-on-One Coaching

Maximize your success at business, networking, and social events with personalized coaching to reduce anxiety and increase confidence

Event Mindset Workshops

Interactive Workshops

Give your employees the tools to thrive at business, industry, and networking events with group workshops that set your organization up for success

Custom Retainers

Partner with me for ongoing support in onboarding new employees, executive coaching, and mastering business and networking events

Why Work With Me? Discover the Unique Benefits You'll Enjoy:

Event Mindset Understand Yourself and Others Better

Understand Yourself And Others Better

When you understand what you bring to the table, it allows you to confidently navigate business, social, and networking events with a clear sense of purpose

Handle Conversations Like A Pro

You’ll get expert conversation tips, which means you’ll learn how to start, continue, and end conversations with ease, so you can confidently interact, learn from, and engage with others

Event Mindset Shine At Every Event You Attend

Shine At Every Event You Attend

With the Good Guest Toolkit, you’ll learn how to stand out at business, social, and networking events in a positive way, so you can raise your profile within your organization, uncover important information, and get invited back to that great party year after year

The Event Empowerment Method

Step 1: Schedule Your Free Consultation

We’ll speak over Zoom to identify your challenges with business, networking, and social events, so you gain clarity on what’s holding you back

Step 2: Create & Execute Your Event Engagement Plan

We’ll develop a customized event strategy tailored to your personality and goals

Step 3: Increase Your Confidence At Events

You’ll learn how to thrive at business, social, and networking events, enjoying each in a way that’s uniquely you

What Clients Have To Say

If you are a decision-maker for an engineering team or a younger sales force, host this workshop for your team members. It is fast-paced and interactive, and the topic is both timely and timeless.
Lisa Mink, Executive Coach and Harvard Business School Guest Lecturer
You wouldn’t embark on a journey without a map, would you? Rob’s workshop is your roadmap. Whether it is mastering the art of introductions or knowing when to gracefully exit a conversation, these are the pillars that uphold the structure of exceptional event experiences. He teaches you exactly that.
Luis Rubén Borbon, Board Member and CEO
If you are nervous in group environments, parties, and events, you will learn some great tips from Rob that will help you walk into any room with confidence, maximize your time, and benefit from business events. But also, how to make the experience so much more enriching and enjoyable for yourself!
Teresa Taylor, Event Producer

What You Get By Working With Me

Personality Type Profile

Understand your personality type so you can approach business, social, and networking events with confidence

Good Guest Toolkit

Stand out from others in a good way at business, networking, and social events

Pre-Event Strategies

Craft pre-event strategies to feel secure and confident from the moment you arrive at an event

Engaging the Event Host

Make a positive impression on the event host so they see you as an asset and invite you back to future events that can further your professional or personal life

Conversation Tips

Learn how to start, continue, and end conversations with ease, so you can effectively interact, learn from, and engage with others

Event Attire Tips

Dress in a way that showcases the best version of yourself, making you more approachable and interesting to others

Know Your Limits

Understand your event limits to learn how long to stay, how much to imbibe, and more

Gain Empathy

Be aware of other peoples personality types so you don't overthink social situations

Post-Event Follow Up

Effectively follow up after events to continue standing out in a good way long after the event has ended

To get all this and more…

Where I've Been Featured

Did you know?

Introverts Are An Events Secret Ingredient

People think that events and parties are things that only extroverts thrive at. In my experience the opposite is true.

Introverts are going to be the people at business events who will uncover important details about clients, competitors, and other people. Consider the following:

How do I know this? Because I am an introvert.

Introverts are just as important as extroverts at any event that is fun, informative, and interesting. In the over 2,000 events I have attended, I can tell you that all the fun, memorable ones had a mix of introverts and extroverts.

Am I A Good Fit For You?

If you can say yes to the following statements, then I can help you!

Ready to Get Started? Click Below!

free cheat sheet

Six Graceful Ways To Exit Any Conversation

I’ll provide you with the things to say to gracefully move on from conversations in six universal event situations, so you can say goodbye to those awkward business, networking, and social moments once and for all.